Balsam Bashing

activtyJuniper was a place of great activity on Tuesday 4thJuly with Hexham Rotary helping Tyne Rivers Trust remove a patch of Himalayan Balsam. This invasive plant is an annual which although it has pretty flowers is a threat to our native plants as it seeds readily—500-1000 seeds per plant– and outgrows the natural vegetation. It also causes erosion of river banks.
group9 Rotarians turned out under the guidance of Jenny Dowden of Tyne Rivers Trust to clear a wooded area on the banks of the Rowley Burn. The boggy area presented its own hazards of treacherous ground and a strong growth of nettles and goosegrass. At fionatimes we almost disappeared among the undergrowth. A two hour stint before a picnic lunch saw a substantial area cleared and this was added to before we packed up later on.
The event was organised by Christopher Porter and included , the two Andys, Brian, Paula, Peter, Fiona, Chris and John.